Adventure Tales of America - Illustrated U.S. History Books
by Jody Potts, Ph.D.
Signal Media Publishers

About the author

Dr. Jody Potts, Ph.D.

Dr. Jody Potts is nationally known for pioneering the integration of left and right brain learning techniques with the teaching and writing of history.

Dr. Potts' graduate courses "History of American Ideas" and "The Lively Mind: Critical and Creative Thinking" at Southern Methodist University provide an interactive setting for applying the left and right brain strategies in Adventure Tales of America.

Ten years of successful field-testing by Dr. Potts' graduate students, many of whom are public school teachers, have validated these strategies and provided valuable input that only classroom teachers can give to a textbook.

In 1984, Dr. Potts founded The Lively Mind, a national firm offering left and right brain seminars for educators. Participants include faculties of the University of Texas at Austin and Alaska Pacific University, as well as public school faculties throughout the country.

A $100,000 grant from the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation and ten corporate sponsors has furthered the successful use of Dr. Potts' left and right brain learning strategies in public schools.

The proven results are now available in Adventure Tales of America: Multimedia U.S. History Program. This program, the first of its kind, will excite students about U.S. history, increase their knowledge, and raise their test scores.